USGS 3DEP Program / BAA Grant Program
The 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) initiative provides high-quality topographic data and a wide range of other three-dimensional representations of the nation’s natural and constructed features.
A key ingredient to the 3DEP program success has been the BAA (Broad Area Announcement) Grant Program. The BAA details how to partner with the USGS and other Federal agencies to acquire high-quality 3D elevation data.
Applicants may contribute funds toward a USGS lidar data acquisition activity via the Geospatial Products and Services Contracts or they may request 3DEP funds toward a lidar data acquisition activity where the requesting partner is the acquiring authority. Federal agencies, State and local governments, tribes, academic institutions, and the private sector are eligible to submit proposals.
The Merrick-Surdex JV has assisted agencies with collaborations that culminated in the successful award of USGS grants for elevation projects.
Contract Number
The Merrick-Surdex Joint Venture’s USGS GPSC IV contract number is: 140G0222D0011